
The ID-Safety (Saf), previously Safety Assessment for Employees (SAFE-T), is an inventory tool that measures the factors contributing to safe behaviours in your organization. This questionnaire is based on scientific studies and allows you to evaluate the four fundamental factors for safe behaviour: attitude, motivation, perceptions of the importance of safety, and personal characteristics. It can be used in an organizational development or recruitment context.


Available languages

French | English | Spanish

Required time

30 minutes


104 Questions | Multiple Choice
2 Questions | Ranking

Target audience

Anyone operating in an environment requiring safe behaviour.

Assessed Skills

Standard Report - Saf

Measures the following competencies:

- Perception of Safety in the Workplace
- Safety Attitudes
- Personal characteristics

Presents the results under different sections: the validity index, the overall result, the distribution of aspects by factors, the detailed description of the factors, and the motivational factors.

Standard Report - Saf-B

Measures the following competencies:

- Perception of BioSafety in the Workplace
- BioSafety Attitudes
- Personal characteristics

Presents the results under different sections: the validity index, the overall result, the distribution of aspects by factors, the detailed description of the factors, and the motivational factors.

Key points

    • See your organization’s safety profile
    • Determine a person’s risk level in relation to the adoption of safe behaviours
    • Identify specific actions to be taken, based on employee profiles

Take even more advantage of

Combine the ID-Safety with the ID-Cognitive or ID-Mechanical or ID-First Line
to create a complete evaluation solution.

Combine the ID-Safety with the training plans
to ensure a professional development process.