ID-Human Resources

The ID-Human Resources (Grh), previously Situational Judgment Test for Human Resources Management Advisors (HRMA-SJT), is a tool that assesses the ability to react adequately to situations likely to be encountered in a human resources management position. Through situations representative of the tasks carried out by a human resources consultant, the exercise makes it possible to measure essential criteria for working in this type of position.


Available languages

French | English

Required time

2 hours and 30 minutes


35 Questions | Multiple Choice

Target audience

Any organization wishing to evaluate candidates for human resources consultant positions.

Assessed Skills

Standard Report

Includes the results for the following competencies:

- Problem-solving
- Being client-oriented
- Ability to transmit information

Includes overall results as well as detailed information for each of the competencies.

Key points

    • Quickly identify your candidates’ judgment in relation to human resources
    • Get instant results
    • Receive a simple yet detailed report outlining your candidates’ human resources judgment abilities

Take even more advantage of
ID-Human Resources

Combine the ID-Human Resources with the ID-Personality or ID-Cognitive
to create a complete evaluation solution.

Combine the ID-Human Resources with the training plans
to ensure a professional development process.