
The ID-Supervision/Written (Gse), previously Pro-Fest Ability Exercise (PROFEST-AT), is a tool designed to assess the ability to respond appropriately, in writing, to work situations encountered in a first-level supervisory position. These situations include requests from direct supervisors, letters from external stakeholders, memos, and requests from employees.


Available languages

French | English

Required time

2 hours


7 Questions | Development

Target audience

Any organization wishing to assess candidates for first-level supervisory positions.

Assessed Skills

Standard Report

Measures the following competencies:

- Analytical abilities
- Ability to manage communications
- Ability to mobilize
- Planning skills
- Ability to organize/orchestrate

Presents the results in a more global way, then in more detail for the elements and skills evaluated. Presents the level of productivity, the scope of actions and the type of plan.

Key points

    • Quickly identify your candidates’ ability to handle situations in a first-level supervisory position
    • Receive a simple yet detailed report

Take even more advantage of

Combine the ID-Supervision/Written with the Work Approach and Behaviour Test or ID-Leadership
to create a complete evaluation solution.

Combine the ID-Supervision/Written with the training plans
to ensure a professional development process.