
The ID-Diversity (Div), previously Diversity Approach (TAFAD), is a tool that evaluates the comfort level of someone interacting with people who value different ways of doing things and have different work values. The test is a self-diagnostic tool and measures the participant’s openness to different cultural topics. It is based on a conceptual approach and has been standardized by professionals and managers from different backgrounds and cultures.


Available languages

French | English

Required time

Div-B: 30 minutes
Div: 45 minutes


Div-B: 100 Questions | Multiple Choice
Div: 127 Questions | Multiple Choice

Target audience

Individuals and organizations wishing to undertake a reflection or development process on their approach to diversity.

Assessed Skills

Standard Report

Presents results in order to describe the test-taker’s preferences for seven cultural themes with two opposite poles. The cultural themes presented are as follows:

- Perception of time
- Expression of emotions
- Consideration of agreements
- Method of interaction
- Social fabric
- Handling of uncertainty
- Relationship to power

Key points

    • Quickly identify a participant’s openness to cultural diversity
    • Get instant results
    • Receive a simple yet detailed report

Take even more advantage of

Combine the ID-Diversity with the Work Approach and Behaviour Test
to create a complete evaluation solution.

Combine the ID-Diversity with the training plans
to ensure a professional development process.