Personality Test - Understand your Candidates and Employees Better with Powerful Analysis


Why measure personality types in an organization?

Personality testing provides valuable insights into an individual’s personality type and fit in an organization or a specific work position. All potential candidates and employees possess a unique personality as well as a unique set of traits and behaviours that will determine their affinity with your organization. However, all these factors cannot be assessed solely through a job interview.

Our tests provide insights into a candidate’s compatibility with your corporate culture, as well as valuable insights into their communication style, their behaviour in the workplace, their potential career trajectory and much more: all valuable information when picking the best candidate for a work position.

What is the ID-Personality test?

The ID-Personality (Tac), previously named Work Approach and Behaviour Test (WABT), is a personality inventory that measures normal personality at work in a selection context. It is designed to evaluate critical approaches and behaviours in daily work situations, thus providing an accurate profile of the candidate’s personal characteristics.

Characteristics of the ID-Personality

Available languages

English | French | Spanish

Required time

Tac-B: 45 minutes
Tac: 1 hour and 15 minutes


Tac-B: 150 questions | multiple choice
Tac: 300 questions | true or false

Target audience

All levels in an organization. Intended for an adult population in a staffing context.

Why choose HRID’s personality tests?

There are many personality tests available online, and some are free. What makes HRID’s test a far better solution is a professional analysis of results and the creation of clear and insightful reports. Indeed, the information obtained through personality tests does not create value for your organization unless it is leveraged properly.

HRID offers a complete analysis of a candidate’s personality using well known models, such as the BIG 5, and provides enterprises with multiple reports that help achieve a global understanding of an individual’s personality. These reports are generated as soon as the test is completed, providing you with the information you need to make the best decision instantly.

Assessed skills

Complete personality assessment through four specific reports

Competency report

The competency report measures 25 personality traits and 30 competencies grouped according to five personality factors:

  • Extraversion
  • Agreeableness
  • Conscientiousness
  • Emotional stability
  • Openness

Following the test, this report presents the candidate’s results according to the BIG 5 model. It also includes a section on interests and fit with different types of careers based on the personality test results.

Management report

The management report presents results according to the same criteria as the competency report, but only presents those related to the targeted position. As such, this report presents the following sections:

  • Name of the competency
  • Definition of the competency
  • Standardized results on a scale of 1 to 5
  • A brief explanation of each result obtained

Report with quotients

The report presents the same sections as the competency report, as well as test scores based on three concepts: social, environmental, and emotional quotients. The description of the quotients includes the following information:

  • Global overview according to the quotients.
  • Description of the different types making up the quotients, in relation to the results obtained.

Psychometric report

The psychometric report presents the results based on the raw data obtained for each of the traits and compares them with the T-score for the general population. The report also compares the personality test results with a global norm or benchmark based on the selected profile.

Insights gained with a personality test

Select the right candidate according to your specific needs or improve the performance of your employees with the right training, thanks to a 360-degree personality test. Through four exhaustive reports, your organization will be able to:

  • Identify training needs
  • Predict candidate performance at work
  • Reduce employee turnover
  • Obtain valid and reliable results

Learn more about personality and how we are testing it

What are the BIG 5 personality factors?

The BIG 5 model is composed of what many researchers believe to be the basic dimensions of personality. The five factors included in this theory are extraversion (or extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism (or emotional stability).


Extraversion is all about someone's sociability and expressiveness. Extraverts are people who enjoy being the centre of attention, like meeting new people, and who are energized by other people’s presence. On the opposite side, individuals with low extraversion often avoid the spotlight and can feel drained when interacting with many people.


Agreeableness is a trait measuring a person’s level of prosocial behaviour, such as kindness or affection. Agreeable people tend to have an interest in other people and seek cooperation, while people with low agreeableness are more competitive and are often more individualist in their approach.


Openness is all about imagination, curiosity, and an interest in new things and experiences. Individuals with low openness tend to resist new ideas and do not try to embrace change, while high levels of openness in an individual often translate into a more adventurous and creative mindset.


Conscientiousness is a trait measuring one’s level of thoughtfulness. Highly conscientious people are organized, structured, and mindful of the details. They are more aware of how their actions and behaviours affect those around them, while individuals with low conscientiousness are more likely to dislike structure, will be less considerate, and will tend to procrastinate.


Neuroticism has to do with the control of one’s emotions. Individuals with a high level of this trait are more likely to experience things such as stress and anxiety, but also mood swings. Low neuroticism or “emotional stability” translates into a calm approach, a greater ability to manage stress, and a more relaxed approach to life.

What traits are important for an employer?

Although it will vary depending on the field of work, many employers will agree that a trait they look for in a potential candidate is high conscientiousness.

Generally, conscientiousness is a trait sought after by businesses for a number of reasons. First, highly conscientious individuals tend to value organization, order, and self-discipline. This makes them ideal employees for an organization to rely on: they are prepared, on time, and diligent. Secondly, conscientious individuals tend to be achievement-oriented and, since that trait relates to job performance as a whole, they have higher probabilities of success.

At a more specific level, each of the other four factors will have an impact depending on the nature of the job. For example, positions that include high levels of interactions with others will need people who are generally more agreeable. Openness to experience will be an important factor in artistic professions, while emotional stability will be of use to people working in stressful occupations. Extraversion is often associated with sales positions.

Overall, the best way to use personality tests is to identify the personal characteristics that make a difference in a job and to assess them using a reliable and valid test such as the ID-Personality test.

Why test your employee’s personality in the workplace?

Asking job candidates to pass a personality test is a great way to gain an understanding of their future behaviour and how they will fit with your organization. But many organizations also offer personality tests to their current employees. What is there to gain from having current employees take personality tests?

First, it is important for organizations wishing to grow with their employees to offer them the tools and opportunities they need to succeed. This starts with understanding one’s own behaviour in the workplace. Testing personality allows your employees to recognize their strong points, but also any weaknesses they can address to have more success, both at work and in their daily lives. This is often an eye-opening experience for individuals, and it can lead to the development of new skills.

Secondly, understanding personality traits allows you to offer the proper training and support to your employees. People have shown an exceptional ability to change their behaviour after gaining insights into how their personality patterns are perceived, allowing them to better interact with their workplace and increasing their chances of success.

What is the difference between the tests Tac-B and Tac?

The Tac-B was created by selecting some of the best questions and items from the original Tac version. This approach allowed for creating a test with a much shorter testing time, down from 1 hour 15 minutes to around 45 minutes, that was still offering accurate results for job candidates and current employees.

The questions used in the Tac-B are multiple choice questions. Participants must rate each of the 150 statements using a 5-point scale ranging from “Strongly disagree with this statement” to “Strongly agree with this statement”. The original version (Tac) uses a true or false methodology, to reduce the time needed to complete the personality test. The original Tac has 300 questions.

Why does HRID use the BIG 5 model instead of the Myers-Briggs (MBTI)?

The BIG 5 model has shown its efficiency for over three decades. It is based on science and allows for great predictive power, which is exactly what HRID’s partners are looking for to evaluate candidates and employees.

Since the BIG 5 model measures extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism on a spectrum, it avoids the problem encountered by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, commonly referred to as the MBTI: limited binaries. Indeed, the MBTI views personality profiles as a static set of binary traits, labelling an individual as an extrovert or an introvert, for example. The father of the MBTI, Carl Jung, admitted that this was a shortcoming of the test, as no individual is purely an extrovert or an introvert.

However, it is important to mention that the MBTI is not unanimously recognized as a reliable predictor of success in the workplace and has been criticized. Indeed, an independent study found that up to 50% of participants had different results when retaking the Myers-Briggs test after five weeks.

We consider the personality test based on the BIG 5-model to be a stronger and more reliable predictor of job success. It is also considered to be better at predicting fit and job performance of candidates, as it allows for a better comparison between individuals.