Dimensions: Personality

Work Approach and Behaviour Test

The Work Approach and Behaviour Test (WABT) is a personality inventory that measures normal personality at work in a selection context. It is designed to evaluate critical approaches and behaviours in daily work situations, thus providing an accurate profile of the candidate’s personal characteristics.


The ID-Personality (ID-PERSO) provides an essential basis for understanding talent in the workplace. Whether you’re looking to find that rare gem or helping your teams grow, it pinpoints the traits and behaviours that make the difference every day.

Through clear, precise analysis, ID-PERSO draws a true picture of each individual’s strengths and characteristics, helping you to make informed decisions and cultivate success.

Awaken the potential in everyone and empower your teams with ID-PERSO!

ID-Emotional Intelligence

The ID-Emotional Intelligence (Emo) is a personality test that first identifies your preferred style among 16 major personality types and then describes the consequences of this style in various contexts. It provides information on the management of your emotions and your interactions with others. It is therefore a comprehensive portrait that will help you get a better understanding of your style, your emotions, and your preferences.