Langues: Spanish


The ID-Leadership (Ldr), previously Leadership (LEAD-R), is a leadership assessment tool designed to accurately measure key aspects of leadership related to recruitment, succession development, and coaching. This questionnaire, based on the most recent theories, assesses  the essential factors of leadership.


The ID-Cognitive (Cog), previously Work Applied Cognitive Ability Test (WAC-AT), is an assessment tool that measures various cognitive skills associated with general intelligence. More specifically, it measures the ability to reason logically and the ability to perform verbal, numerical, and spatial mental operations.


Why measure personality types in an organization?

Personality testing provides valuable insights into an individual’s personality type and fit in an organization or a specific work position. All potential candidates and employees possess a unique personality as well as a unique set of traits and behaviours that will determine their affinity with your organization. However, all these factors cannot be assessed solely through a job interview.

Our tests provide insights into a candidate’s compatibility with your corporate culture, as well as valuable insights into their communication style, their behaviour in the workplace, their potential career trajectory and much more: all valuable information when picking the best candidate for a work position.

What is the ID-Personality test?

The ID-Personality (Tac), previously named Work Approach and Behaviour Test (WABT), is a personality inventory that measures normal personality at work in a selection context. It is designed to evaluate critical approaches and behaviours in daily work situations, thus providing an accurate profile of the candidate’s personal characteristics.